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Understanding Your Fees: FAQs

In this guide:

Why am I charged a Package Fee and Care Fee?

Your home care package fee is split into two components.

One fee is for care management and one fee is for package management and combined they comprise the 15% total package fee charged each month.

From 1 December 2022 it was a Government requirement for Home Care Providers to separate package and case management fees.

What does the Package management Fee Cover?

Your package fee covers the costs to manage the administrative and financial aspects of your home care package such as paying invoices and reimbursements, providing monthly statements, and ensuring all compliance, regulatory and reporting requirements are met.

We also manage your home care budget which includes ensuring service providers are paid in a timely manner.

What does the care management fee cover?

Your care fee relates to the cost involved in providing you with a team of people to support you in your self-management.

This includes setting up your Support Plan and making changes when needed, helping you with sourcing referrals or providers, responding to incidents or changes in care needs and conducting annual reviews. Care management also includes clinical services and oversight when needed.

Have fees increased?

Our total fee has stayed at 15%. The increase you will see is the incremental increase of the 15% now being applied to your increased daily subsidy fee which changed on July 1 2024.  

The government contribution changes on 1 July every year.

What is the difference between my subsidy and fees?

Your daily subsidy is the amount you receive from the Australian Government under the Home Care Package program to subsidise services and equipment to support you living at home; fees are the amount drawn from your Home Care Package budget to pay for your package and care management.

The subsidy you will receive depends on what level of care you’ve been approved for (level 1 to level 4).

Your daily subsidy is paid every day (7 days a week), even if you don’t have services every day.

What is the difference between a Daily Fee and HomeMade fees?

A basic daily fee is an additional fee that home care package recipients may be asked to pay. 

The basic daily fee (if charged) is added to your Government subsidy to increase the amount of funds you have to spend on supports and services.  In essence, it’s similar to a top-up to help provide more support if needed.

HomeMade does not charge this fee.

In comparison, your HomeMade fee is the cost associated with providing package and care management and is deducted from your Home Care Package budget.

What is the income tested care fee?

An income assessment by Services Australia will be carried out on your financial situation to determine whether, and how much, you may be required to contribute towards your care.

The income tested care fee is paid by recipients who the Government deems can afford to pay towards their aged care, based on their income.

More Information

More information on Home Care Package costs and fees can be found at My Aged Care.

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