Begin your My Aged Care journey your way

Remain living independently in your own home for longer with access to My Aged Care.

Elderly woman in pink bathrobe assisted by a young woman in blue scrubs.

What is My Aged Care?

Most Australians want to be in charge of decisions about how they live their lives, all their lives, even if they have to deal with health and mobility challenges.

My Aged Care is the starting point for accessing Australian Government-funded aged care services. It is a government-run service that gives those requiring aged care access to government-funded services such as in-home care, short-term support, and residential aged care. If you need a little extra support in your daily life, you can get assessed for aged care support funding through My Aged Care. With these support funds, you can live independently, wherever and however you want to.

Who is eligible for My Aged Care?

Generally speaking, My Aged Care is available for people over 65 years of age (or Indigenous Australians aged 50+) who need extra support to continue living well.

You might be eligible if you meet certain criteria, including:


  • Having experienced a recent fall, reduced mobility or changes in your memory capacity
  • Being diagnosed with a medical condition
  • Having changes in your existing care arrangements.


Depending on your eligibility, the government might fund your needs partially or entirely. You can check your eligibility on MyAgedCare or apply for an assessment.

What are the steps involved in applying for and commencing My Aged Care?

There are four basic steps involved in your journey to receiving My Aged Care benefits.

Step 1: Explore what kind of care is available

Aged care support and services fall into three categories:

  • Care in your own home – this aims to help you stay independent at home as you age. It includes services such as transport, personal care, housework, social support and modifications to your home. Help at home can be accessed through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) or a Home Care Package (HCP). Find out more about home care packages.
  • Care in an residential aged care facility – if you’re unable to manage in your own home, and need ongoing help with everyday tasks or healthcare.
  • Short-term care (in your home or elsewhere) – if you need more intensive care following a hospital stay, or your loved ones need a short break from caring for you, short-term care could include support for a few hours, days or up to 12 weeks.

All of these types of care are acceptable as reasons to apply for My Aged Care.

Step 2: Get assessed for your aged care needs

To access My Aged Care funding, you’ll need to complete an assessment.

First, apply on My Aged Care or phone 1800 200 422 to speak to someone at My Aged Care.

Next, an assessor will visit your home to determine which aged care services you could benefit from.

Step 3: Find a support provider

When your HCP is approved, you don’t receive the funds directly. A HCP provider ‘hosts’ your funding and pays invoices for services on your behalf. They may also be called a ‘Home Care Package fund manager’.

HomeMade is a registered home care package provider.

You can start looking for a HCP provider any time you like, even before you are approved for a HCP. That way, you have plenty of time to learn about how they operate and compare the costs. When your package is approved, you’ll be ready to sign up and begin receiving support.

Step 4: Manage your services

To have more control over how you spend your funding and choosing the people who support you, what they do and when, you can self-manage your HCP.

Self-managing your Home Care Package means paying lower administration fees, resulting in more of your funding available to spend on you. Self-management also gives you total control over how your home care funding is spent, meaning you have the final say, rather than a provider or agency.

All you need to do is find a provider that offers a self-management option. HomeMade is a great option.

Choose HomeMade as your approved provider and you can retain control of your plan and budget, while getting the support you want. We will guide you on how to use all the tools for self-management but will be available if you ever you want help.


Find out more about self-managing your HCP.

If your Home Care Package has been approved, book a call with us to discuss self-management.

Is My Aged Care the right choice for you?

Most Australians want to be in charge of decisions regarding how they live their lives, all their lives, even if they have to deal with health and mobility challenges.

If you need a little extra support in your daily life, you can access aged care support services. With these support services, you can live independently, wherever and however you want to.

My Aged Care is the starting point for accessing Australian Government-funded aged care services.

Who runs My Aged Care?

My Aged Care is a federal government initiative. The Australian Department of Health administers various aspects of the scheme.

Will my Home Care Package affect my pension?

No, Home Care Package funding doesn’t affect the pension because it doesn’t count as income.

Can I use funding from My Aged Care for social and domestic tasks?

Yes, you can. When it comes to accessing home care services with your package funds, understanding what supports these can be spent on is important.

Will I have to pay anything towards my home care services?

You might, it depends on your funding level and the extent of your needs. It's important to know your HCP costs before choosing a home care provider.

Explore your My Aged Care eligibility as soon as possible

As an older Australian, you may very well be entitled to My Aged Care funding to go towards support services that help keep you healthy, independent and connected to your community. Keep in mind, however, that there could be long wait times between your assessment, approval and commencement.

The Department of Health says the average wait time for a Home Care Package to be approved is between six months and a year, depending on the level of the package in question.

So the earlier you apply for an assessment online, the better.


Yes, you can. If you’d like to book more hours of support than your funding covers, you can pay privately for them.

While you wait for your HCP to be approved, you may be eligible for entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home, through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). Alternatively, you can connect with independent support workers on a platform such as Mable and pay privately until you receive your allocated HCP funding.

If you are a couple who lives at the same address, you can still access aged care services for each of you. You will each need to be assessed independently and wait for your packages to come through. Everything is evaluated on an individual basis.
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